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蛮多人问说片尾曲到底是哪首歌 答案就是: Sia - Alive
其实Google一下歌名 随便都可以找到中英歌词 只是为了想体会歌词的意涵 所以就自己翻译了一下歌词 (想翻得跟电影有点关联)
其中一部预告也有用到这首歌喔 >______^
Sia - Alive 活下去
[Verse 1]
I was born in a thunderstorm 我诞生于狂风暴雨
I grew up overnight 成长于一夕之间
I played alone 总是一个人
I played on my own 孤独地与自己游戏
I survived 我是幸存者
I wanted everything I never had 我渴望得到我从未拥有的一切
Like the love that comes with light 譬如光明与其闪耀出的爱意
I wore envy and I hated that 我厌恨自己活在妒忌之中
But I survived 但是至少我还活得好好的
I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go 我正前往炼狱且一去不复返
Where the wind don't change 那里荒凉贫瘠
And nothing in the ground can ever grow 甚至寸草不生
No hope, just lies 了无生息,毫无生气
And you're taught to cry into your pillow 你选择逃避面对,窝在枕边哭泣
But I survived 而我选择勇敢面对,努力活下去
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 抓住仅存的一丝契机
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 与残留的任何氧气
I'm alive 努力让自己
I'm alive 撑过这些难关
I'm alive 努力让自己
I'm alive 勇敢活下去
[Verse 2]
I found solace in the strangest place 我意外的在这个异地找到归属
Way in the back of my mind 在繁杂的思绪中
I saw my life in a stranger's face 隐约看到一张陌生的脸
And it was mine 而那正是以前的我
I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go 我已身在炼狱,毫无退路
Where the wind don't change 即便我无法改变一切
And nothing in the ground can ever grow 也无法创造奇迹
No hope, just lies 只能任凭绝望丛生
And you're taught to cry into your pillow 但我拒绝向懦弱屈服
But I survived 我要坚强的活下去
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 谨记每一口呼吸的感觉
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 谨记活跃的心跳脉动
I'm alive 时时提醒自己
I'm alive 我还活着
I'm alive 仍然活着
I'm alive 而且还要继续活下去
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 你剥夺了一切
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 想摧毁我
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 置我于死地
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 但我仍坚强活着
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 你不断想击溃我
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 让我臣服于脆弱
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 向命运低头
You took it all, but I'm still breathing 但我绝不放弃任何希望
I have made every single mistake 我犯下的每一个过错
That you could ever possibly make 是你也会犯下的错误
I took and I took and I took what you gave 你予取予求,我未曾有怨言
But you never noticed that I was in pain 但你却从未注意到那使我遍体鳞伤
I knew what I wanted; I went in and got it 我晓得自己需要什么,我会凭着自己的能力得到它
Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't 你以为我没种面对现实,但很显然地你错得离谱
I told you that I would never be forgotten 我绝不会被世界遗忘
And all in spite of you 除了你之外
And I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 你无法置我于死地
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 你办不到
I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 因为我坚不可摧
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 尽管你剥夺一切,我仍能撑下去
I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 我坚毅不屈
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 即便你将我推绝望谷底,我仍满怀希望
I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 绝对不会因为你
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 让我放弃存活的机会
I'm alive 我要活下去
I'm alive 我还活着
I'm alive 仍然活着
I'm alive 而且
I'm alive 还会继续活下去
Lyrics Source:http://genius.com/Sia-alive-lyrics