Tove Lo - Scars 疮疤
[Verse 1]
Scars we carry 内心的疮疤
Carry with memories, memories burned by the dark 存在于那些被黑暗掩盖的回忆里
Try to see clearly 尝试看清真理
Tears we bury 却被泪水淹没
Bury in vain cause the pain got us falling apart 痛苦只会使我们支离破碎
Try to see clearly 任一切徒劳无功
Now let the healing start 是时候该疗伤了
The fires out of guns 让枪枝上膛
We keep it in our hearts 将它谨慎收妥,保护那伤痕累累的心灵
We're like a thousand suns 我们就如灿烂千阳
Ooh, yeah, every day, step by step, we dare to love again 每日每夜,一步一脚印地为爱出征
And if we lose our grip, meet you at the end 倘若失去仅存的希望,那么就在终点相会吧
Know they're cutting you deep 我知道他们伤得你多深
Feel the scars in your sleep 能在你入睡时感受你的伤疤
What didn't kill us made us stronger 这并不足以扼杀我们
Stories left on our skin 那些留在肌肤上、疮疤底下的故事
Wear them with everything 代表着种种一切
What didn't kill us made us stronger 但不会击垮我们,只会使我们更坚强
[Verse 2]
Don't feel lonely 别感到孤独,因为你绝非独自面对
Loneliness kills all the thrill from standing alone 孤寂只会削弱你的勇气,使人绝望无助
Try to see clearly 好好看清这世界吧!
Now let the healing start 是时候该好好振作
The fires out of guns 扣上板机,奋力一搏
We keep it in our hearts 为了我们的心,争取自由
We're like a thousand suns 我们是烈日千阳
Ooh, yeah, every day, step by step, we dare to love again 夜以继日、步履蹒跚地为爱再次出征
And if we lose our grip, meet you at the end 倘若最后仍无期而终,那么便相约死后再相逢吧
Know they're cutting you deep 知道他们是怎么凌虐你的
Feel the scars in your sleep 也能隐约感受到疮疤底下的阵阵抽痛
What didn't kill us made us stronger 然而这些都不算甚么
Stories left on our skin 倒是纪录了过去所承受的种种伤痛
Wear them with everything 时时提醒着
What didn't kill us made us stronger 该是变得更坚强了!
Know they're cutting you deep 即便伤口深而见骨
Feel the scars in your sleep 且令人痛不欲生
What didn't kill us made us stronger 都不足以扑灭内心燃起的火光
Stories left on our skin 因为那些噩梦般的回忆
Wear them with everything 只会提醒我们
What didn't kill us made us stronger 要变得坚不可摧
Feet don't fail me now, no 再多苦难
What didn't kill us made 再多伤痕
What didn't kill us made us stronger 都不会使我们放弃
Feet don't fail me now 反而使我们绝处逢生
What didn't kill us made 凭着仅存的一丝契机
What didn't kill us made us stronger 全力反击
Scars we carry 最终,找回自我
*以上非官方翻译,有误欢迎指正 *P.S. 个人翻译比较偏向"不"逐字翻,而是以歌词想表达的意涵翻译歌词
Lyrics Source:
而电影也即将于 3 / 18 全球同步上映
第三集预告几乎都走一种感动+空灵的风格(我是指背景音乐拉~) 电影本身是有一点"世外桃源"的FU (事实上应该不算是> <)
像是首支正式预告的背景音乐搭着剧情 整个就很感动 T^T特别是在知道小说情节的情况下 某些片段大概知道他想表达的意义 (像是把衣服烧了那边> <)
♦ 预告:
♦ 背景音乐:
期待电影上映 ^_______^
之后有机会会有小说的心得 ♥