Justin Bieber feat. Halsey - The Feeling |怦然心动|
[Verse 1: Justin Bieber]
You are to me 对我来说
A part of me just like anatomy 妳是我生命的一部分
You're pulling me 而我无力抗拒
You're pulling me in like you're gravity 妳那如地心引力般强烈的吸引力
I'm notorious for thinking you're full of beautiful 脑海中尽是妳的美丽身影,这使我恶名昭彰
Instead of hollow 但至少这足以填补我内心的空虚、寂寞
Sugar on your lips, it's hard to kill 妳唇瓣上的甜蜜气息,让人难以忘却
Jagged like a pill, so hard to swallow 但却又让人难以咽下,深怕从此为之上瘾
[Chorus: Justin Bieber + Halsey]
Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you? 我是否爱上了你? 是否已经坠入爱河?
Or am I in love with the feeling? 又或许是我已经爱上对你怦然心动的那种感觉?
Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth 我尝试寻找真相 寻找心底的答案
But sometimes the heart is deceiving 然而,有时我们总会掩盖内心真正的情感
Can't get out of my head and I need you to save me 困在自己的思绪中,我需要妳拯救我
If I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy 我开始胡思乱想,或许我真的疯了
In love with you, am I in love with you? 深深为妳着迷,我是否已经爱上妳了?
Or am I in love with the feeling? 还是我只是爱上这种怦然心动的感觉?
[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]
You give to me 妳赋予我的
Everything, anything that I could dream 所有一切,是从未奢望过
And at least that's what it seems 至少照目前的情况来看
Could it be I don't know what's good for me? 这是再好不过的发展
I'm notorious for thinking you're full of beautiful 脑海中尽是妳的美丽身影,这使我恶名昭彰
Instead of hollow 取代我内心的空虚、寂寞
Sugar on your lips, it's hard to kill 妳唇瓣上的甜蜜气息,让人难以忘却
Jagged like a pill, so hard to swallow 但却又让人难以咽下,深怕从此为之上瘾
[Chorus: Justin Bieber + Halsey]
Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you? 我是否爱上了你? 是否已经坠入爱河?
Or am I in love with the feeling? 又或许是我已经爱上对你怦然心动的那种感觉?
Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth 我尝试寻找真相 寻找心底的答案
But sometimes the heart is deceiving 然而,有时我们总会掩盖内心真正的情感
Can't get out of my head and I need you to save me 困在自己的思绪中,我需要妳拯救我
If I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy 我开始胡思乱想,或许我真的疯了
In love with you, am I in love with you? 深深为妳着迷,我是否已经爱上妳了?
Or am I in love with the feeling? 还是我只是爱上这种怦然心动的感觉?
[Bridge: Justin Bieber]
I'm sinking faster and faster 我正被这种感觉淹没,越沉越深
Between heaven and disaster 困于天堂与灾难间,无法脱身
Sorry if I made you feel like 很抱歉让妳觉得
I'm standing on the borderline 我好像不愿投入这段情感
[Chorus: Justin Bieber + Halsey]
Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you? 我是否爱上了你? 是否已经坠入爱河?
Or am I in love with the feeling? 又或许是我已经爱上对你怦然心动的那种感觉?
Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth 我尝试寻找真相 寻找心底的答案
But sometimes the heart is deceiving 然而,有时我们总会掩盖内心真正的情感
Can't get out of my head and I need you to save me 困在自己的思绪中,我需要妳拯救我
If I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy 我开始胡思乱想,或许我真的疯了
In love with you, am I in love with you? 深深为妳着迷,我是否已经爱上妳了?
Or am I in love with the feeling? 还是我只是爱上这种怦然心动的感觉?
--Source: http://genius.com/Justin-bieber-the-feeling-lyrics--
以上非官方翻译歌词,若歌词翻译有问题欢迎指正唷 >___^
♡♡♡ 也很欢迎大家分享歌词 ♡♡♡
届时MV释出会补上 MV影片喔
Justin Bieber 睽违好几年的新专辑【Purpose 我的决心】iTunes 已于今日 (11/13) 发行
实体专辑 11/17 才会发行
前几首主打 What Do You Mean, Sorry, I'll Show You 成功洗脑歌迷后
在专辑释出前,小贾在个人FB 和 Twitter 上分享了一段专辑释出预告前导 (影片连结)
影片前面的背景音乐有放之前几首主打做小小开场 而影片内容则是第四波主打 "The Feeling" 的MV内容
几乎每天都在看哪时会有完整版音乐 结果今天被我等到了A___A
然后这首歌也是由 Skrillex 打造 (之前"Where Are Ü Now" 也是他打造的)
第四波主打 "The Feeling" 是和 Halsey (海尔赛) 一起合作的
Halsey 的声音很空灵 超喜欢她的"Ghost" & "New Americana"
有没有人跟我一样也很喜欢这首歌呢?? ^___^ ♥♥♥
PS 觉得小贾这专辑的歌都越听越好听 > <