[歌词赏析] Halsey – Colors |缤纷人生| 中英歌词

  图片 第1张    
Halsey -- Colors 缤纷人生
[Verse 1]
Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so  你弟弟从未亲口告诉你,但是他真的很爱你
You said your mother only smiled on her TV show 你告诉我你母亲只有在看电视节目才会露出笑颜
You’re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope 而你只有在脑袋胡涂时才会感到快乐
I hope you make it to the day you’re 28 years old 我希望你能摆脱这些负面想法,活得更美好、精彩 
You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise 你可以是耀眼夺目的曙光
You’re spilling like an overflowing sink 也可以是满载热情的暖阳
You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece 你的心灵或许破碎不堪,但是你仍是个完美杰作
And now I’m tearing through the pages and the ink 我要带领你走出黑暗,迎向璀璨光明
Everything is blue 一切都是无尽的蓝
His pills, his hands, his jeans 包括他的药丸、他的双手,以及身上的牛仔裤
And now I’m covered in the colors 如今我为他漆上缤纷色彩
Pull apart at the seams 为他缝补破碎的心灵
And it's blue 让他能抛开所有湛蓝
And it's blue 所有忧郁
Everything is grey 一切全是单调的灰
His hair, his smoke, his dreams 包括他的灰发、吐出的烟,以及那些梦境
And now he's so devoid of color 如今他的人生缺少了许多缤纷色彩
He don’t know what it means 他不晓得原因为何
And he's blue 只知道他被一片蓝所占据
And he's blue 一片忧郁的蓝
[Verse 2]
You were a vision in the morning when the light came through 当清晨的阳光洒落窗边时,你总是第一个映入眼帘
I know I’ve only felt religion when I’ve lied with you 我晓得当我们同枕共眠时,只有我对你有特别的感觉
You said you’ll never be forgiven till your boys are too 你说你绝不会原谅自己,直到所有人都肯谅解你
And I’m still waking every morning but it’s not with you 而我无法改变甚么,只能习惯那些清晨醒来没有你在身旁的日子
You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise 你淌落的思绪本该如饱满的朝暮
You’re spilling like an overflowing sink 然而填满心槽的,却是你满溢的愁绪
You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece 你的内心虽然早已面目全非,但仍然可以被治愈、被补救
And now I’m tearing through the pages and the ink 我会打破囚锢你心灵的囚笼,让你活出自我
Everything is blue 一切都是无尽的蓝
His pills, his hands, his jeans 包括他的药丸、苍白的双手,还有身上的牛仔裤
And now I’m covered in the colors 而我要将自己缤纷的人生
Pull apart at the seams 缝制在你那没有色彩的生命里
And it's blue 摆脱永远的蓝
And it's blue 恒久的忧郁
Everything is grey 一切全是单调的灰
His hair, his smoke, his dreams 包括他的发色、嘴里吐出的烟圈,还有那些难以脱离的梦境
And now he's so devoid of color 所有鲜艳与光彩都在慢慢褪去
He don’t know what it means 他不晓得这代表
And he's blue 他已被蓝色吞噬
And he's blue 被忧郁淹没
You were red, and you liked me because I was blue 你曾是艳丽的红,如今却因我曾是黯淡的蓝而变得如此
But you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky 但当你踏入我生命的瞬间,我突然成为淡紫色的天空
Then you decided purple just wasn’t for you 而你决定也成为紫色,只是你并不是为自己着想
Everything is blue 他仍活在一片无尽的蓝
His pills, his hands, his jeans 过着一成不变的生活
And now I’m covered in the colors 如今我的生命已充满色彩
Pull apart at the seams 使我们不得不分道扬镳
And it's blue 继续沉浸在自己的蓝
And it's blue 自己的忧郁
Everything is grey 他仍活在一片无尽的灰
His hair, his smoke, his dreams 黯淡无奇,了无新意
And now he's so devoid of color 且渐渐被黑白取代,失去原先的光彩
He don’t know what it means 他不晓得自己怎么了
And he's blue 只觉得悲伤
And he's blue 觉得失意怅然
Everything is blue 你的人生
Everything is blue 是一片无尽的蓝
Everything is blue 而我希望有一天
Everything is blue 你能找回原来的七彩人生
Lyrics Source: http://genius.com/Halsey-colors-lyrics
其实这首歌Halsey是为一位男孩写的 (乐团 The 1975 的 Matty Healy)
因为已经有粉丝整理出来 我就贴连结让你们看啰~ (一种很懒的概念XDD) Halsey粉丝--派尼 的超详细介绍 -->  [点我连结]
个人比较喜欢 PART II 版本的"Colors"   比较空灵+虚幻~ 
虽然短短的只有一分多钟,而且几乎只有副歌,但是我超爱 ♥
原版也很赞啦~只是就少了空灵的味道,比较活泼、青春  图片 第2张
当初听到有PART II 是因为看到国外粉丝做Fandom影片有用到这首歌
可是我一查到"Colors" 想说为什么曲风跟我在那些影片的背景音乐差这么多,后来查REMIX甚么的都不对
最后终于被我找到有 PART II 版本 A____A (开心)
上回部落格更新的背景音乐也有放这首唷 >____^ 
因为PART II 版的"Colors"搭那些影片真的超赞的~ 
(私心放 The Shannara Chronicles ♥ Wil & Amberle >///<) 
 也是有人用原曲剪影片  但是FU没有PART II 那么好~ (应该说重拍没那么强XD)